Changeover Notice for GV-DDNS Service

A reminder to all customers and partners to transfer from GeoVision's '' DDNS Service to GV-DDNS V2 ',' as the former will be terminated by November, 2020

In compliance to the extended time needed for transferring to GV-DDNS V2, due to the current pandemic crisis, GeoVision has decided to postpone the termination time of ‘’ from May 31st to October 31st, 2020.

For better safeguarding all GeoVision's customers and partners using GV-Software / IP Devices, from various security vulnerabilities, GeoVision has decided to terminate certain outdated services, which we've been providing upgraded counterparts for deemed obsolete.

To that end, one of GeoVision's Dynamic DNS Services - '' - which has been put forth since 2003, is to be maintained only until October 31st, 2020, and scheduled to be terminated by November, 2020.

Rest assured, this does not mean that GeoVision will no longer be providing DDNS services, but that such service will only be available via GV-Dynamic DNS Service V2 '' after October 31st, 2020.

Transferring GeoVision Dynamic DNS Service to ''

GeoVision strongly urges all users and partners using domain names suffixed '' to transfer their current domain names to ',' through GV-Dynamic DNS V2 to continue enjoying the complementary DDNS service provided by GeoVision.

To download GV-Dynamic DNS Service V2, please click here.

For details on how to use the DDNS Client, see GV-DDNS V2 Installation Guide.

Note: For transferring to GV-DDNS V2 on GV-Recording Server / Video Gateway / Redundant/Failover Server, which have built-in DDNS settings, users must select GeoVision DDNS Server V2 as its service provider and register for a new DDNS host accordingly.

If you have any questions or concerns in regards to transferring your GeoVision Domain Name from '' to ',' please contact our support team: